Monthly Archive: April 2017

Hay Bale Gardening

Growing a successful vegetable garden can be a challenge even if you have great soil in which to grow your vegetables. But with poor soil that challenge can become an impossibility. Straw Bale gardening...

Recycled Countertops

GLASS Glass is a sustainable, infinitely recyclable material which saves precious natural resources. It is virtually maintenance free and can endure high heat without cracking or scorching. The combinations of shapes, colors and artistic...

What is Pickling?

The Process of pickling began nearly 4,000 years ago to preserve perishable foods for months or even years. Nowadays, the average person in the U.S. consumes 9 lbs. of pickles each year. Pickling preserves...

Pets and Social Media

Pet’s dominate online attention   From dogs and cats filling up social media feeds – some even with their own profiles – to true pet celebrities who command the attention of millions, animals have...